Thursday, April 02, 2009


You know when you know you only have a short time to blog and then your mind totally decides to go all blank on you? Totally me right now. Lauren is napping and I can hear the clock ticking. The pressure is too much!

I'll give you a quick glimpse into my life right now. Right this second I am sitting on my couch. Nice, huh?!? Okay, there is a Mizzou blanket draped over our fireplace. It is there for two reasons. #1 - Mizzou we still love you and will pay homage to your valiant effort. #2 -Lauren is crawling and pulling up on things now and well, she isn't that graceful when falling. The vacuum is in the corner because I am totally going to get to that, you know right after the important things like blogging about unimportant things. Lauren's toys are all over the living room floor and will stay there because I know when she wakes up she will just get them all back out again. I have two pampers diaper wrappers beside me because I just entered the codes for their gifts to grow program. My sweet tea is within arms reach and so is my phone. That is about it. I don't know why I shared that, but whatever.

I am way behind on my verses for the Beth Moore challenge! I never posted my verse from March 15. You wanna know why? I never did it. *Gasp* But, I found one last night so I am going to be doing double duty this month.

But he was pierced for my transgressions, he was crushed for my iniquities; the punishment that brought me peace was upon him, and by his wounds I am healed.
Isaiah 53:5

I changed the words that are bold and italized for my own memorization purposes. I need to own this verse. I need to own my transgressions and iniquities. I need to remember that Jesus endured the punishment because of me, because he loves me. This isn't a verse to keep me in bondage or to make me wallow in my past sins because I believe that God has forgiven me of those and wants me to look forward, however it is good for me to remember what he did for me when I am tempted to take him for granted or not give him my full attention.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praisworthy - think about such things.
Philippians 4:8

I chose this verse because so often I let my mind wander upon things that it shouldn't. Things that God would not find true, noble, right, etc. I've been calling this verse to the front of my mind when everything else within me wants to gossip or get mad at my husband over something silly.

Finally, I know a lot of you are praying for little Miss Lauren and her sleeping issues lately and for her very tired mommy and daddy. Just a little update - we have been doing The Sleepeasy Solution by Jennifer Waldburger and Jill Spivack and it is working!!! The first night was HORRIBLE - I mean torture. She was up from 3:09 until 4:40. The book talks about helping your child learn how to fall back asleep on their own. Basically you go in there and without touching your child you talk to them in an encouraging tone of voice for no more than 30 seconds then you leave. I was so tired of going back in there over and over that first night but I kept telling myself it had to get better and that it was only one night. The second night she woke up at 5, talked to herself for a little while (NO crying) and then went back to sleep until 6 which was totally fine with me because - holla - I got to sleep! Last night she slept until 5 again, but this time she cried and fussed on and off for about 40 minutes. I tried to go in there one time but that just made her more upset so I let her handle it. She fell back asleep and slept until 8:30! Seriously, you guys I couldn't even believe it. Now, I am completely aware that because I chose to write about her progress tonight I will be up ALL night long with little miss sunshine. Pray for us still!!!


  1. Great verses!! I'm glad the sleep situation is getting better for you! That will be a tough road to cross when it is our turn. Thank you for the package!! You are too cute! We loved it!!

  2. I used to have that Philippians verse on my fridge for years and years. I still think of it often. It is a really good verse to help us remember where our minds need to be - or maybe where they don't need to be!!!

  3. Oh, I'm so glad she's doing better. Maybe you can find your sanity that's been buried for so long. Still praying! Any mom knows you can't call a kid "fixed" unless they do it for several nights in a row. You're on a roll!

  4. I'm glad you're seeing improvements with Lauren's sleeping. I know that can be stressful. It was good to talk to you today... I'm teary-eyed just thinking about you... I miss you.
