Monday, March 23, 2009

morning routine

I used to read Crystal's series, Making Your Home a Haven, over at Biblical Womanhood but never really committed to following it. To be honest, with a brand new baby it just seemed way too overwhelming. Anyway, it turns out that Tammy over at Tammys Recipes has decided to take over this series and I thought that now with an 8 month old, I might be able to tackle some of the challenges she will give every Monday.

The first challenge is to set a morning routine. I seriously need help in this area so here is what I have planned:

1. wake up (ha) and make the bed...I'm hoping to get this done before Lauren gets up but she has not been sleeping through the night soooo......
2. quite time with God
3. emtpy dishwasher and clean kitchen
4. plan dinner
5. exercise

Do any of you have a morning routine you stick to daily? Does it seem to help make your day go more smoothly?


  1. When I DO it, it works!! Of course, that's pretty much the same as any plan ... it's just the human element that complicates things!! We CAN do it though - even if it takes more than morning!

  2. Your blog header/design is SO CUTE!!!! :)

    Thanks for joining in the challenge. :)

