Thursday, September 03, 2009

the kitchen

I don't know about you, but my kitchen is the most frustrating room in my whole house. It is always dirty. It doesn't stay clean for a second. What am I doing wrong? Seriously?!? I don't remember this problem at our old house. I would clean it and walk away - when I walked back in it was still clean. That is so not the case at this house.

I have this issue that if the kitchen isn't cleaned I can't do other things. Things I need to do. Things I want to do. I can't do them. The messy, cluttered kitchen is always in the front of my mind and I become this totally unproductive stressed out mess.

I know it doesn't help that I am home during the day. I am cooking three meals a day instead of just one (when I worked) and unfortunately that means more dishes. I am in and out of the kitchen a lot throughout the day and I guess actually living in it makes it dirty.

Anyone have any ideas? I used to do FlyLady and I was really good about keeping my sink clean...but I have fallen off the bandwagon and I either need a boost to get back on or a new technique. I am all ears, people!

1 comment :

  1. OCD? No, not Jen! I have no doubt it is not as dirty as it looks to you. Hang in there, Girl!
