Friday, January 16, 2009

approaching the new year

I'm not a big resolution kind of girl. Don't get me wrong, I love fresh starts, clean slates, and new beginnings... I've just failed at keeping resolutions I've made too many times. To me, making a resolution is like buying the trendiest of trendy shoes, loving the walk in them for a while, and then waking up one day with the realization they are ugly, they don't fit who you really are, and they hurt your feet. I think too many people try to make resolutions they think they should know - lose weight, eat better, save money, shave more often, etc. instead of focusing on what will truly make their life happier and more productive.

This year I had already decided there would be no set list of resolutions for me. However, as I said earlier I do love fresh starts. Being the kind of person I am, I needed some way to satisfy the desire to organize my dreams for the year. Then, I read this post by my friend over at The Sparrow about her approach to the new year. Here is a snippet:

"I decided this year would be a year of inspiration. I would look for things that inspire me, whether to create, change my lifestyle, or write a letter. A sort of “out with the bad thoughts, in with the good”…but on a deeper level."

I love her idea of having a theme that runs through your whole year. What a great way to approach each new season in your life and stay motivated all year long!

I want to use her theme of Inspiration for my year ahead. I love that it embodies all of the dreams and goals I have rolling around my head. I want to live inspired - to look for the beauty in my everyday life, to find things that make me think, laugh, and get moving, and to be a joyful person.

What are your resolutions or themes for the year? Here's to 2009!


  1. I love that idea. I'm not one to really make resolutions either because I never keep them. I have set out to read the entire bible this year and I am PRAYING I can do it. So far, so good.

    I read on someone's blog they were choosing the word 'sanctuary' for their goal this year and that kind of stuck with me. That's what I always try to make here - a sanctuary for my family - but, I often fail because of selfishness or busyness. That would probably be my goal.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Ooohh, Sanctuary is a great one! I love how that can apply to our home lives and our spiritual lives. Thanks for sharing!
