Monday, March 11, 2013

Hello Monday

You blew in with a gray sky and I felt the cold toward you instantly. How could you? Just two days ago we were playing in the spring scented wind and here you came pushing winter once more.

Thankfully, my in-laws were here and so I stayed huddled beneath my warm covers and my mother and father in-law cuddled my little girl in the wee hours of morning. E and I stayed smart and cozy in our respective beds like sane people do.

Your sky is just now opening again to the sun that I know is always there and though the temperature is still low and my toes are still cold, I'm warming to you.

Later my little girl and I will go to a real life tea party to celebrate a sweet friend turning five. It's an honor and it makes my throat hurt because in just 5 short months, my firstborn will claim that same title.  And that is simply just not possible because I only just held her for the first time yesterday.

So, hello Monday with all your complexities and changes and beauty. I am thankful for you.


  1. Sweet Kid's and one HAPPY GP!!!

  2. This is so beautifully written, Jen. Can't believe Lauren is going to be FIVE! That's crazy!
