So last night I set my alarm for 6 am. For some of you, that is sleeping in. For this VERY non-morning person it was E to the A to the R to the L to the Y! I did it because I needed it. I need to claim my time with God and make it a priority.
It's been very nice this morning to have a little bit of time before the kids get up to read my Bible, pray, and just get prepared for the day.
I don't know what today will hold. Likely there will be challenges and moments when I feel like I am going to go crazy, but I am sure thankful for the start God has graciously given me this morning. It was much needed and is much appreciated.
I hope you are having a joy-filled Monday morning as well!
My scripture this morning:
My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. James 1: 19-20 NIV
I'm guessing you can figure out why I am meditating on this word today. ;)
I had a get back on track morning as well! I set my alarm early and planned to run, but didn't (thunderstorm). It was still nice to slowly wake up without being stressed when I heard the boys because I wasn't ready for them to be awake yet. Love you, friend! :)