Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i wanna run

Inspired by a few of my friends who are working hard to eat healthier and exercise, I've begun my own journey. It is way past time for me to get serious about losing some weight and toning some not so tone areas (which in reality is my whole body). Summer is almost here and I am in no shape to be seen in a bathing suit. Let's just say there is much work to be done. Anyway, for the past week I have been doing a mixture of weight training and cardio and I hate it. I can feel my body getting stronger, but I do not enjoy one single minute of it. Well, maybe that very last minute. I am also struggling with making better food choices throughout the day. Who wants to eat a handful of carrots instead of a handful of chocolate? or a whole chocolate cake in my case? Tonight is our night to run and if you could guess I am not excited. I wanna run alright - just to the nearest Andy's or Sonic or Dairy Queen...


  1. Oh I know -hang in there. I fell off the bandwagon last night, so I had to jump back on today. Yuck.

  2. It's so hard to get in the swing of things after not working out for a while. You can do it. You are such a ball of energy!

  3. I told all my friends that if I ever run any kind of a marathon - they better be at the end with some Krispy Kreme!!! I think they are safe!!!

  4. I feel your pain. I haven't reall worked out since I found out I was pregnant. Saw a pic of my friend in a swimsuit today and she looked great so it motivated me a little bit (of, course I still had a cookie - or two)
